
The most useful features of manufacturing come in the form of the highly information-dense plotting tools.

Ppk Plot

The manufacturing.ppk_plot() takes all of the data - not just a sample - and determines the process capability. This is not a snapshot in time but a look at the entire history. Careful, which this can be can be deceiving!

The :meth:manufacturing.ppk_plot will estimate the distribution based on the input data, calculate the Ppk, mean, standard deviation, and the estimated % out of control for each parameter. The function will also generate a warning if the data appears to be non-normally distributed.

import manufacturing as mn

# the 'data' variable contains a list of integers, floats,
# numpy array, or pandas Series
mn.ppk_plot(data, upper_specification_limit=3.3, lower_specification_limit=3.1)

If manufacturing is used in a jupyter notebook or similar environment, then the plot will display automatically. Optionally, you can pass a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance in order to more directly manipulate the underlying matplotlib.figure.Figure.

import manufacturing as mn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.set_xlim(3.0, 3.5)  # manipulate the axis as desired

Cpk Chart

The manufacturing.cpk_plot() gives snapshots of process capability. In most cases, the average Cpk value should be close to the overall Ppk value. If not, then the process may not be in control.

import manufacturing as mn

# the 'data' variable contains a list of integers, floats,
# numpy array, or pandas Series

Zone Control Chart

Perhaps the most useful chart is the manufacturing.control_plot(), also known as a Zone Control Plot. This plot will highlight up to 8 different rules or violations based on the input data set. If a control chart rule is not violated, then it will not be placed on the chart.

There are three different types of control charts defined within manufacturing:

Using the manufacturing.control_plot() function will automatically select the appropriate control chart type based on the number of data points supplied.

Control Chart Rules by Severity :header-rows: 1



beyond limits

Point is beyond the limits

zone a

2 out of 3 consecutive points in zone a or beyond

zone b

4 out of 5 consecutive points in zone b or beyond

zone c

7 or more consecutive points on one side of the average (in zone c or beyond)


7 consecutive points trending up or trending down


8 consecutive points with no points in zone c


15 consecutive points in zone c


14 consecutive points alternating up and down

import manufacturing as mn

# the 'data' variable contains a list of integers, floats,
# numpy array, or pandas Series

Depending on the data set, the above command could result in the creation of an \(X-mR\) chart, \(\bar{X}-R\) chart, or \(\bar{X}-S\) chart.

_images/xmr_chart.png _images/xbarr_chart.png _images/xbars_chart.png

Anatomy of a Control Chart

A control chart is an information-dense representation of data coming off of testers. The manufacturing control chart has several sections that warrant further explanation:

  • chart type - the chart type, usually based on recommended groupings

  • group size - when present, indicates how many samples were grouped to present each datapoint

  • distribution histogram - the statistical distribution of the data

  • more data indicator - when present, indicates that data was truncated before display in order to to not present so much information that the plot becomes unreadable

  • out of control indicators - when present, indicate that the process is out of control or nearly so

  • upper control limit - the upper control limit as calculated from the data on the plot

  • avg value - the average value as calculated from the data on the plot

  • lower control limit - the lower control limit as calculated from the data on the plot


Additional Chart Types


One may utilize the manufacturing.p_chart(), which requires a pandas.DataFrame rather than a pandas.Series.



