
All settings for a particular configuration are encapsulated into a single JSON object which consists of key-value pairs. Each section below will consist of an object that contains the keys and information required to properly configure each key.


The repository key contains all remote/local relationship data, including paths to the executable. This is the most important field and the only one that is actually required.

key description valid values default value
remote the name of the remote any string "origin"
remote path the remote url or path any string -
local path the local path any string -
branch the git branch to sync any string "master"
executable the executable string/path "/usr/bin/git" or "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe"

Example of repository object (JSON):

    "repository": {
        "remote": "origin",
        "remote path": "",
        "local path": "C:/_code/_git_example",
        "branch": "master",
        "type": "git",
        "executable": "/usr/bin/git"

The equivalent INI:

remote = origin
remote path =
local path = C:/_code/_git_example
branch = master
type = git
executable = /usr/bin/git


The test key is reserved, but not currently implemented.


If no timing is specified, then the default will be 60 seconds. If only a minimum is specified, then the remote will be checked at that interval. Finally, if a minimum and a maximum are specified, then the remote will be checked for updates at a random time between the minimum and maximum values.

key description valid values default value
minimum minimum time in seconds any integer 60
maximum maximum time in seconds any string -

Example of timing object (JSON):

"timing": {
    "minimum": 30,
    "maximum": 300

The equivalent INI:

minimum = 30
maximum = 300


The application key is used to identify the application that is to be started and monitored. On remote update, this is the application that will be stopped, updated, and reloaded.

key description valid values default value
start the start executable any integer 60

Example of application object (JSON):

"application": {
    "start": "python -m"

The equivalent INI:

start = python -m


There are two times at which an arbitrary script or group of scripts must be executed and that is pre-pull and post-pull. The pre-pull scripts are supplied as a JSON array, with each being executed in succession.

This scripts will execute two scripts before the pull and will reboot the machine after the pull:

"scripts": {
    "pre-pull": [
        "/bin/ls /home/ubuntu/ > /home/ubuntu/values.txt", 
        "/bin/ls /etc/ > /home/ubuntu/values.txt"
    "post-pull": ["sudo reboot"]

The equivalent INI:

pre-pull = /bin/ls /home/ubuntu/ > /home/ubuntu/values.txt, /bin/ls /etc/ > /home/ubuntu/values.txt
post-pull = sudo reboot

Note that in the INI file, each command is separated by a comma ,.

Health Monitoring/Watchdog

Applications sometimes require health monitoring and restart. Huddle provides two methods of health monitoring, http-based and socket-based. The http-based monitoring simply checks the remote URL and ensures that the response string is contained in the URL response. The socket-based monitoring will poll a socket on the application and ensure that the response string is contained within the response.

key description valid values default value
period the watchdog period, in seconds integer or float 60
host the IP address or url to monitor http or ip address ''
port the TCP port to monitor string or integer 60
request string to be sent to the application string 'watchdog'
response the expected response from a healthy instance string -
"watchdog": {
    "period": 60,
    "host": "",
    "port": "8888",
    "request": "watchdog",
    "response": "OK"

The equivalent INI:

period = 10
host =
port = 8888
request = watchdog
response = OK

Example Configuration Scripts

Minimal File Sync

This configuration will keep the local C:/_code/_git_example directory in synce with the remote develop branch. It will not start or run any applications.

    "repository": {
        "remote": "origin",
        "remote path": "",
        "local path": "C:/_code/_git_example",
        "branch": "develop",
        "executable": "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/git"

Syncing/Run an Application

This configuration will sync every 60s to 600s. When there is an update, this application will be halted, updated, then restarted after the update.

    "repository": {
        "remote": "origin",
        "remote path": "",
        "local path": "C:/_code/_git_example",
        "branch": "master",
        "executable": "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/git"

    "timing": {
        "minimum": 60,
        "maximum": 600

    "application": {
        "start": "python -m"

Sync Application/Reboot Server

This configuration will check the remote every 60s and, when new data is available, huddle will stop the application and reboot the machine with a post-pull script.

    "repository": {
        "remote": "origin",
        "remote path": "",
        "local path": "C:/_code/_git_example",
        "executable": "/usr/bin/git"

    "application": {
        "start": "python -m"

    "scripts": {
        "post-pull": ["/sbin/reboot"]

Sync Application with Watchdog

This configuration will check the remote every 60s and, when new data is available, huddle will stop the application, pull the new application version, then restart the application.

Huddle will also send a query to port 8888 on the local machine every 15 seconds with the string 'watchdog'. If the response from the application does not contain the string 'OK', then huddle will stop the application and restart it.

    "repository": {
        "remote": "origin",
        "remote path": "",
        "local path": "C:/_code/_git_example",
        "executable": "/usr/bin/git"

    "application": {
        "start": "python -m"

    "watchdog": {
        "period": 15,
        "host": "",
        "port": "8888",
        "request": "watchdog",
        "response": "OK"